IPv6 Council Applications Workshop

The UK IPv6 Council held an applications workshop at Rise London on 2nd June 2016. The event was attended by application developers from commercial, industry and academic companies and organisations.


Slides (PDF) are available as listed below.

Why IPv6 and Applications Now? – Veronika McKillop, UK IPv6 Council [slides] [video]

IPv6-Centric Application Development – Andrew Yourtchenko, Cisco [slides] [video part 1] [video part 2]

6LoWPAN in IPv6 environmental sensor networks – Kirk Martinez, University of Southampton [slides] [video]

IPv6 on XBox One – Darrin Veit,
XBoX Product Manager [slides] [video]

Our thanks to IET TV for producing the videos.

You can register to attend our events by watching for event announcements here or via our LinkedIn page.

IPv6 Council Roundtable, Apr 2016

The Fourth UK IPv6 Council roundtable meeting was held at the IET in London on 20th April 2016. The event was attended by a mixture of people from commercial, industry and academic companies and organisations.

Slides (PDF) are available as listed below.

Agenda – Veronika McKillop, UK IPv6 Council [slides]

Sky IPv6 Update – Ian Dickinson, Sky UK [slides]

Greenfield IPv6: University of Reading Malaysia Campus – Andy Gatward [slides]

Dual-stack IPv6 Recursive DNS Behaviour – Richard Patterson, Sky UK [slides]

IPv6 on XBox One – Darrin Veit, XBoX Product Manager [slides]

You can register to attend our roundtable meetings by watching for event announcements here or via our LinkedIn page.

IPv6 Council Roundtable, Nov 2015

The Third UK IPv6 Council roundtable meeting was held in London on 30th November 2015. The event was attended by a mixture of people from commercial, industry and academic companies and organisations.

Slides (PDF) are available as listed below.

IPv6 Host and Application Considerations – Ed Horley [slides]

Containers and IPv6 – Stephen Youell [slides]

You can register to attend our roundtable meetings by watching for event announcements here or via our LinkedIn page.

IPv6 Council Meeting, Sep 2015

UK IPv6 Council Meeting 2015

The second public UK IPv6 Council meeting was held at UCL on 23rd September 2015. The event was attended by over 50 people from a mixture of commercial, industry and academic companies and organisations.

Slides (PDF) are available for most talks, as listed below. Video recordings were produced courtesy of IET TV.

ISP updates

IPv6 Status in the UK – Veronika McKillop, UK IPv6 Council co-chair [slides]

Sky IPv6 Launch – Ian Dickinson, Sky UK [slides] [video]

BT IPv6 Update – no slides available [video]

IPv6 in the EE Network – Balbir Singh, EE [slides] [video]

Virgin IPv6 Update – no slides used [video]

Guest speakers

IPv6 Global Status – Silvia Hagen, Chair, Swiss IPv6 Council [slides] [video]

IPv6 in the Internet of Things – Prof Peter Kirstein, UCL [slides] [video]

Post-lunch Session

Sky IPv6 – Project Management – Alex Chalfont, Sky UK [slides] [video]

Experience with IPv6 Customers – Andrew Chat, exponential-e [slides] [video]

Microsoft IT’s IPv6 Killer App – IPv4 Address Depletion – Marcus Keane, Microsoft [slides] [video]

Political Dimension of IPv6 Deployment – Phil Virgo – no slides used [video]

Cisco IPv6 Lab – Steve Simlo, Cisco [slides]

IPv6 Council Meeting, Oct 2014

The first public UK IPv6 Council meeting was held at IDEALondon on 16th October 2014.

Slides (PDF) and video recordings are now available for most talks.

10:00 – 10:20 IPv6 Status in the UK – Veronika McKillop [slides] [video]

10:20 – 10:40 BT IPv6 Activities and plans – Stuart Smith/Rob Shakir [video]

10:40 – 11:00 BSkyB IPv6 Activities and plans – Nick Chettle [slides] [video]

11:00 – 11:15 Virgin Media IPv6 Activities and plans – Daryl Tanner [slides] [video]

11:15 – 11:35 Tea & Coffee Break

11:35 – 11:50 Introduction of IDEA-London Innovation center – Ian Foddering [slides] [video]

11:50 – 12:00 Update from Belgian IPv6 Council – Eric Vyncke [slides] [video]

12:00 – 12:45 IPv6 Security – Eric Vyncke [slides] [video]

12:45 – 13:45 Lunch

13:45 – 14:15 Governments Enbaled with IPv6 (GEN6) EU project – Jiri Prusa [slides] [video]

14:15 – 14:30 Digital UK – Steve Kirk [video]

14:30 – 15:00 IPv6 Deployment by Netflix – Javed Vohra [slides] [video]

15:00 – 15:15 Tea & Coffee Break

15:15 – 15:30 IPv6 Deployment at the University of Southampton – Tim Chown [slides] [video]

15:30 – 15:45 IPv6 Deployment in JANET – Rob Evans [slides] [video]

15:45 – 16:05 IPv6 in Mobile ISP networks – Nick Heatley [video]

16:05 – 16:35 Presentations by IDEA-London Start-ups [video]

16:35 – 17:00 Discussion and closing [video]